Sunday, July 17, 2011

on hiatus till the 29th!

Made this for Tumblr, but it also works for blogger! See you soon!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

4th of July 2011

I was just browsing through some personal blogs when I realized I hadn’t uploaded any pictures from the 4th of July yet! Every year since I was born (and a few before) my family has always spent the 4th at our cabin on Kabekona Lake near Laporte, Minnesota. It’s truly the greatest, most gorgeous place on earth. I wish I could spend more time there during the summer, but unfortunately since I started college I’ve been too busy with anything and everything, preventing me from spending more than a few weeks there all summer. I got to spend a wonderful two weeks there after the draft and man did I need it! I had been traveling around all June and I was just ready to do nothing if I wanted. I finished 3 books, tubed, skied, floated, played volleyball, painted, tanned and swam with a few friends, and John even showed up for a few days! It’s times at the cabin that make summer so special!

Lifelong friends Anna and Trudy from Concordia College and Julliard tubing on the 4th! 

Anna's demon dog, Buddy. Don't let those eyes fool you...

Lake Garfield in Laporte, Minnesota.

Just about everyday we drive into the tiny town of Laporte (pop. 137) to buy groceries at their tiny grocery/convenience store. SPAM is made in Austin, Minnesota and is a staple at every cabin in the North Star State!

Gorgeously uniform organic strawberries from Verndale, Minnesota.

Screw big firework displays in Walker or Bemidji... we set our own off every year, thank you very much!